Well, Declan is officially 5. An
d even though, due to the white flakes of doom, we had to postpone his playdate/birthday party, Declan is one happy camper. I must say this entire weekend, snow and all was one big birthday bash.
We woke him up on Friday morning and, after a few gifts, breakfast in bed and of course getting
dressed, we did one thing that is not normal for the beginning of February...we went swimming (indoors, of course).
We had a great birthday weekend. Declan ended up getting everything from a Dinosaur Train tshirt to a camera, Legos to a
new handmade quilt and Transformers to a new set of bongos. Oh and lest we forget the pop up book of creatures, the new super awesome (dentist approved) toothbrush and the Lincoln Logs. Declan even made his own cake for his own party....hey, if he wants to do it, we're not gonna stop him.
Thanks to everyone who helped celebrate this past weekend. You know who you are :)
And again, Happy Birthday, little bud. Way to be 5.
We love you,
Mommy and Daddy