Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm here to catch your cartoon memories...

[be sure to click the links]

When I was a kid (and even now), I loved cartoons. My brother and I would devour them like the KiX cereal in our bowls every chance we had (both were kid tested, mother approved).

I know there were the norms such as Transformers and GI Joe, but sometimes it was the shorter lived cartoons that stuck with you, the ones that found themselves canceled prematurely or whose hopes were dashed by the whim of a studio exec on the other side of the country.

Some of the ones that I personally loved were Kissyfur, Rude Dog and the Dweebs and lest we not forget Inhumanoids and Visionaries. My list goes on and on all the way through the 90s

There are tons more that I remember snippets of and those, such as Inhumanoids which I thought went on forever, but were only one season. So I thought that it would be a good idea to keep a running tab of all of the cartoons that Declan loves, but have been seemingly (and some wrongfully, in my opinion) thrown in the back alley dumpster behind whatever studio brought them to life in the first place.

So here's the short list  thus far (some are clickable..follow the know you want to)

El Tigre
Jakers - best theme song as far as I'm concerned :)
Jacks Big Music Show
Toot and Puddle

As of now, there were four shows he absolutely loved and they've played an integral part in his youth thus far.

Little buddy, I know the list will grow as you get older, but know this: I'm keeping track for ya.


debbie said...

i grew up in the looney tunes era...explains everything doesn't it??

Barb said...

You forgot Mighty Mouse, Ratfink, Gigantor, and Thundar the Barbarian. And how about TMNT and Pirates of Dark Water. There are many great cartoons out there. Some not the most politically correct but good nonetheless.

zach said...

absolutely. ,y list goes on and on and on...his is till short b/c he's still young :)