Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Pictoral Review of Recent Happenings

 Better late than never. Here's a montage of photos of our goings on over the last few weeks. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Forget all of the living ones, Declan took a picture of a dead one.
Butterfly bushes are torturous for cats when they're right outside the window.

This guy almost got stepped on b/c he was warming up on the walkway at night.

Lil man earned his green belt. Awesome job, bud.

"What? The world's in peril? I eat peril for breakfast--one spoonful at a time."

Lil man LOVES taking pics of his toys and animals. We seem to have an entire catalog of his belongings.

Classic!! Right after the cat whacked him.

Two of the people that make things worth while. :)

The pen people hope you enjoyed your stay!! Til next time!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

He got me!

Lil man is turning in to quite the budding artist. While were out enjoying a nice Saturday lunch, he decided to draw me. And I must say...he's getting good.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mr. McPiddlefingers

[Legacy Post- Originally posted 10/08]

Tonight is the weekly, ever-anticipated Family Fun Night here at the Swarr household.

After we got home we made dinner and decided to play a board game while we ate. The game's called Frustration. It's a knock of the Milton Bradley game, Trouble. We just got it this past weekend at a consignment shop and little man loves it.

So there we were, playing and munching on the living room floor, when the smallest of our number began to wiggle around with his legs crossed. Maribeth, using her acute powers of observation asked, "Declan, do you need to go to the potty?"

"Mm hmm," was little man's reply. And with that he stood up and ran off to the bathroom.

We could hear everything from where we were. We heard the seat lift, his pants unsnap and get pulled down. The 4 second stream of whiz...

Then...Silence. A good 6 seconds of silence.


"Whaaat?" came a little sing-song voice.

"What are you doing?"

"Um. Washing my hands," he said with a hint of that oh-crap-I'm-busted tone.

"I didn't hear the sink," Maribeth said as she got up and made her way to the bathroom, "did you wash your hands in the potty?"

"Um. Mm hmm," was his meek response.

"C'mon. Over to the sink. You have to wash your hands," Maribeth said.

"...but I already did..."

I love Family Fun Night.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Outsmarted by a man half my size!!

[Legacy post- Originally posted 11/08]

I love to talk to little man when I take him to school in the mornings. Obviously because he's my son, but mainly because you never know what he's gonna say. Case in point:

This morning for instance, I tried my hand getting him to see things in different perspectives. We were driving by a pond and I accidentally called it a lake. But that got me thinking...how he views a tiny puddle is different than how an ant would view that same puddle. Seemingly pointless information, but it may give him something to think about; analytical thinking is high on my importance list for him. So the conversation went as follows:

Me: "Declan? Did you ever think about how a small puddle would look to an even smaller ant?"

Declan: "No."

Me: "Well...let's say you're standing near a tiny puddle. And because you're so big, it's just a tiny puddle, right?"

Declan: "Yeah. Because I'm sooo big and the puddle is sooo small."

Me: "Now, let's say a tiny little ant walked up and stood at that same puddle. What do you think he would see instead of a tiny little puddle?"

Declan: "He'd see me standing at the puddle."

Monday, August 9, 2010

My kid's got one up on you Dora the uh...whatever

Dorer the Explorer? Dora the Explora? Well whatever it is, that show works on my nerves. Why is it that every character sounds like they're yelling all the time? How does saying 'Swiper, no swiping' actually stop the fox? When I repeat instructions to my child, over and over, it doesn't work! And what is Boots' name when he has his boots off?! Feet? Toes? Ok, deep breath. Sorry, I've been holding that stuff in for a long time (and please don't get me started on the cow and backpack).

Don't ask...
When Declan was younger I was one of those parents who always said, "I'll raise him right, watching Transformers, G.I. Joe and He-Man, none of this crap they have on now." But then reality sinks in (along with my wife's Mjöllnir of subtle influence), and he ends up watching good quality, age appropriate shows such as Blue's Clues, Calliou and Kipper. I was happy for a while, then the Dora kick started, followed by a long lasting disdain for pink shirts and orange shorts.

Eventually I saw a light at the end of the tunnel...but then her blasted cousin shows up and rekindles the black flame of despair.

However...just the other day, my hopes were met with irrefutable evidence that there will be life A.D. (After Dora, for those that were wondering).

Declan was watching Dora and the little bowl cut demon was summoning her map from the bowels of backpack (who, just in the last episode, ate map through the top of its head, by the way). So map pops up and Declan's looking at the screen and Dora repeats ten times where they need to go and how they're going to get there. And just before my eyes started to bleed Declan turns to me and says, "Daddy. I don't want to watch Dora anymore."

Clutching the sofa as not to fall, I swallowed my heart and said, "Ok. why not, buddy?"

He then looks at the screen and shaking his head, he says, "Because Dora's stupid. She has a map and she knows where to go, so why doesn't she just go around all the bad stuff? She's so dumb."

I held my child and cried as the angels sang down from the heavens.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So it begins

This morning marks the first time that Declan has gone downstairs to watch cartoons while I lay upstairs, still asleep and dead to the world. He was so excited to have found this, he woke me up to tell me. Thanks, i guess...

Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm here to catch your cartoon memories...

[be sure to click the links]

When I was a kid (and even now), I loved cartoons. My brother and I would devour them like the KiX cereal in our bowls every chance we had (both were kid tested, mother approved).

I know there were the norms such as Transformers and GI Joe, but sometimes it was the shorter lived cartoons that stuck with you, the ones that found themselves canceled prematurely or whose hopes were dashed by the whim of a studio exec on the other side of the country.

Some of the ones that I personally loved were Kissyfur, Rude Dog and the Dweebs and lest we not forget Inhumanoids and Visionaries. My list goes on and on all the way through the 90s

There are tons more that I remember snippets of and those, such as Inhumanoids which I thought went on forever, but were only one season. So I thought that it would be a good idea to keep a running tab of all of the cartoons that Declan loves, but have been seemingly (and some wrongfully, in my opinion) thrown in the back alley dumpster behind whatever studio brought them to life in the first place.

So here's the short list  thus far (some are clickable..follow the click...you know you want to)

El Tigre
Jakers - best theme song as far as I'm concerned :)
Jacks Big Music Show
Toot and Puddle

As of now, there were four shows he absolutely loved and they've played an integral part in his youth thus far.

Little buddy, I know the list will grow as you get older, but know this: I'm keeping track for ya.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Why can't I feed the child?

Apparently I have no concept of how much food a growing boy needs to eat. The reason I say this is because yesterday after lunch (a healthy dose of mac n cheese...go me!), lil man had polished off his accompanying Capri Sun in one shot and I had given him a glass of water because he was still thirsty. Let me clarify, a glass of water. Say it with me, a glass of water.

So I sat yesterday where I am right now, updating the blog, when I hear a loud crack come from the other room. Not a crash or a smash- a crack. I waited a split second to see if there were any other indicating noises to follow. There was, it was..."help!"

So in the nanosecond it took me to traverse our grossly huge downstairs (did you hear the sarcasm?), I had about a million things running through my head as to what I might encounter. Nothing prepared me for this one. When I saw what the scene was, I physically had to stop to assess the situation.

I walked into the room to see Declan leaning over his water glass, which was still full of water. Over a dry table...over a dry floor. Then I saw the glass.

I asked him what happened and he said, "I bit it". Only after he said this did he spit the two remaining pieces of glass back into the cup. Amazingly, the kid didn't have a single scratch, splinter, slice or gouge. Tears, yes; blood, no.

Maybe today I'll try a three course lunch.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sorry, readers.

I wish I could say that I had a good reason for not updating this since May...but I can't because I don't.

I will say that sometimes it feels like I have a monkey on my back.

I will keep up if you promise to read (and comment too!). Deal?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

TV Time and Kids

I know there's a lot of back and forth on the subject of kids and TV. There has been for years. It happens in our house sometimes as I'm sure it does in yours as well.

Well today there was an article on Health.com about TV time and kids. Feel free to read it here. It discusses the effects TV has on young children and the potential adverse effect it has on them when they enter school.

The article focuses on a study done by the School of Psychoeducation at the University of Montreal, in Quebec. They've concluded the following:
Each additional hour of TV that toddlers watch per week translates into poorer classroom behavior, lower math scores, less physical activity, and more snacking at age 10
Apparently they conducted their study over a 7 year period on 1,300 kids and followed up with them in fourth grade to see how they were doing. The findings, they said were thus:
Each additional hour spent in front of the TV per week at age two-and-a-half corresponded to a 7% decrease in classroom engagement, a 6% decrease in overall math achievement, and a 10% increase in being bullied by peers.
They go on to discuss the actual detriment of TV itself and how the "overexposure" impacts children. Although researchers can't seem to agree on the physical effects, researchers are seeming to agree that TV is just bad.

However, the article, which I must say is very balanced and well done, does continue on to the other side of the fence, which was expressing criticism of the study. Their red flag, which is often my soapbox, was that the study omitted one major factor: what the kids were watching. The opposing Dr. said,
parents should distinguish between mind-numbing cartoons and educational programs such as Sesame Street. “Parents need to know that the best-quality shows have a curriculum,” he says. “They’re trying to teach your child something, anything from the letter k to skills like how to share or how to handle a conflict.”
Parents, it seems that the jury is still out. Once again the TV is caught in the middle; one side stating that TV is just bad bad bad and the other side saying that it doesn't matter.

My two cents: I think that both sides of the fence can agree on one thing: make sure that your children are watching stimulating, age appropriate programming. Don't let them sit in front of the TV all day watching inappropriate shows. Watch with them and work with them. The television, like any other source of media (newspaper and books included) can and should be monitored by the parents. Yes, I said parents. It is our responsibility to ensure that kids have a chance to be kids. They only have one shot at this wonderful thing called childhood. Don't ruin it for them.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mantises or Mantisi?

The plural of mantis is actually mantes, but mantises is ok too. In case you're wondering why I need to know the plural of mantis, it's because we had well over 100 of these lil buggers erupt from the egg sack in our kitchen this morning.

And now I bet you're wondering why we had a mantis egg sack in our kitchen, huh? Well that answer is simple: Mommy had an awesome find which resulted in Declan getting a Praying Mantis Pagoda for his birthday. So we sent off for the egg sack and well, the rest you know.

So of the 100+ mantes (or mantises) we're going to keep about 12 of them (6 in 2 separate containers). the rest were released this morning and are more than likely bird food by now. So of that 12, I think we'll be able to keep just 1 through adulthood (as they will eat each other if left in the same enclosure).

Take a look and enjoy these pictures of the hatching. I'll have more to come so stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Someone wanted a snack

Declan insisted on having a lemon for a snack this morning. My only stipulation: I get it on camera. One bite was all he had.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Review: Elmo's Adventures in Grouchland

I know what you all must be thinking, "Elmo? Grouchland? Really?" And the answer is...yes. To be honest, I'm a sucker for all things Henson. We actually started Declan on Sesame Street and The Muppet Show at a very early age. Now, thanks to our forced guidance, Declan loved not only Muppets, but puppets in almost all shapes and sizes.

So back to the movie. the opening sequence sets the tone. It's Ernie and Bert coming on screen and talking to the audience. They talk about audience participation and, of course, they have thier jibes back and forth. It totally sets the tone for the movie. ...And they make appearances throughout, stopping the movie in the process. It really draws you into the movie.

Then we go to Elmo's room and his day consists of a great wake up song. Overall the movie is just fun and the pacing is great for younger kids....it keeps moving. Once Elmo's blankie (yes, blankie) get's whisked away to Grouchland, the movie really takes off. Grouchland is a blast (who doesn't like Oscar?).

I know this is a quick review that really skims the surface, but you really should check it out. As in most Henson productions, there are a lot of subtle details that need to be seen, so I won't ruin it. to sum it up even more simply, it's just plain fun.

Oh...and wait until you see who plays the villain. Well, I'll just say this: he used to be looking for man man with six fingers on his right hand.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Soft Serve Syringe

The pre-k physical is scheduled for this afternoon. Mommy and I have been prepping him by repeating that fact that he'll have to get shots. In the past, he's taken them like a champ. I don't think a single shot has made him cry (the anticipation is worse for him than the actual sticking).

However this time he is a little worried. I told him he'll probably have to get a few shots. He understands that being around more kids means being around more germs, so he's ok with the potential three or more stickings.

I know he's been thinking about it a lot because this morning, while we were sitting on the couch, he started rubbing his arm. I asked him what the matter was and he looked at me and said, "I wish getting shots didn't hurt. Getting a shot should feel like eating ice cream."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

'I Spy: I Love You'...An Easy Cheater Book

Please allow me to begin by stating that I absolutely love the I Spy and Can You See What I See? book series. If you have yet to do them with your kids, you're missing out. Declan spends countless hours scanning the pages looking for skulls, sandals, dinosaurs and just about anything else you could imagine. Jean Marzollo and Walter Wick have done an amazing job on the I Spy series (and a solo Walter Wick on the Can You See What I See? series). That's why, when we found the Easy Reader I Spy series, we were thrilled.

Declan grabbed the first one he saw, I Spy: I love You, Easy Reader Level 1. We opened it up, equally excited. Him for obvious reasons and me for the reason any parent would and should be excited for their child: they found a reason to learn to read! Now, please let me fill you in on something: Declan can read if he wants to. The problem is, well, he doesn't really want to, so he doesn't get practice. It's not laziness, it just is the way it is. He'd rather we read There's a Monster Eating My House (by Art Cummings) than him read Dick and Jane all by himself. Can you blame him? He's a little boy. He requires more thrills and chills than, "See Jane. See Spot. See Spot run. See Jane run after Spot."

Unfortunately the excitement that came over me, realizing that one of my son's favorite books had been paired with my parental want of educating my child, fizzled and popped from existence when I opened to the first page. I was heartily let down by what I saw: pictures of the word next to the word itself. Any intelligent kid (of which Declan is one), will realize that the book is a visual scavenger hunt. The page on the left lists the things to find in the scatter of the things on the right. So why would he read the word when he can just look for the picture of what he sees?

I understand the concept, but that does not promote reading. None of the other I Spy books are set up this way, so that tells me it is specific to the Easy Readers. That's not easy reading, it's a way out for those kids who are smart enough to find it. I guess we have to see Spot run after all.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The results of this year's trappings

I don't have too much to say about the results of this year's leprechaun trap. I'll let the pictures tell this story:

The final count was 43 jelly beans, 12 'gold' coins and 8 peanut butter eggs. Bandit.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Who's Magical Now, Pointy Ears?

Beginning last year, it became a tradition to catch a leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day. Last year, we set the trap on St. Patrick's Day eve, but this year we decided to take advantage of the little bugger's want for beer and set our trap on St. Patty's Day (aka, Daddy didn't know when St. Patty's Day was this year and it sneaked up on him- oops).

No matter how you look at it, my alibi has merit: why catch a sober leprechaun on the way to a St. Patrick's Day party, when you can take advantage of one who's been thrown out on his shamrock for swimming in his Guinness well after last call and is now staggering home in a drunken stupor?

That being the premise of this year's trap, we decided to go with the good old standby: skulduggery. Here it is folks. The leprechaun trap for 2010...

I present you with The Pub Crawl:

We took an ordinary cardboard box and colored it to look like a bar:

Then I cut an 'x' in the door and angled the triangles inward, that way, he can fall in, but can't figure out how to get out (thanks, Mr. Guinness for the assist):

Next, we place the trap in the yard:

Followed by some authentic scenting:

And, as I stated last year, the leprechauns, once they know they've been trapped, are able to disappear, but only if they leave a treasure behind.

My hopes are high this year, so check back tomorrow to see what we scored!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


As I stated previously, I'd be publishing some noteworthy posts from our old family blog. These are too good not to share.

[This is a legacy post from our previous family blog, originally posted 9/20/06]

Last night was just like any other night. We played with Declan, read him a story, gave him a bottle, said prayers, gave kisses and turned on his music to fall asleep. Declan got fussy as I left the room, but that is the norm. He will fall asleep.

I went back to our bedroom and sat there piddling around on my laptop. I had noticed that lil man had stopped fussing and that his CD had played through. Maribeth was already sleeping, so I went about my business of playing games on my laptop when I noticed little Declan noises coming from little Declan's room. Nothing alarming, but I stopped to listen. It sounded as though he had fallen asleep and was making noises while dreaming. I thought, "Hey...why not turn his music back on and let him sleep to it?". So over to his room I went.

I opened the door a little, sneaked over to the radio and turned on his Kermit CD. I turned to leave and I saw that Declan was standing up in his pack and play (his 'bed') with his bottle, making faces and making tiny little laughing noises. I walked over to him and said, "Hey, bud. What are you doing?". He glanced at me and then pointed across his room to the area where the radio and rocking chair were and said, "Ah-ne."

I looked in the direction he was pointing and thought that he meant "Ernie" because Kermit was singing (Jim Henson had been both Kermit and Ernie, so they sound similar). It didn't make sense to me though that he would think it was Ernie singing because we must have listed to those songs a hundred times and he knows that it is 'Termit' and not Ernie. I looked at him and said, "What?"

Once again, while still making faces and noises he pointed and said, "Ah-ne." I asked him, "Do you mean Ernie?". He replied with a cute little "Noo".

Then it clicked...He was imitating someone. You could tell. His attention was focused, he was making faces and little laughing noises.

He wasn't saying 'Ernie'. I took a deep breath and hesitantly asked, "Do you mean Arna?".

Without skipping a beat, he replied, "Yeah".

With an odd feeling, I kissed him goodnight, walked over to the door and said, "Tell Great Grandma not to keep you up all night" and pulled it shut. He didn't fuss at all.


For those of you that may not know, Arna is Declan's great-grandma. She passed away some time ago and Declan had never met her before.

We had been over at my parent's house this weekend, and coincidentally enough we showed him a picture of her and had told him her name was Arna.

So that's the story in a nutshell...If it was you...thanks, Gramdma.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Good Initiative, Bad Judgment

If you ask anyone, they'll probably be able to tell you about a half dozen words or phrases that they've heard which have stuck with them through their lives. Ask anyone who was or is in the military and they'll be able to tell you about three dozen, unfortunately, this being a blog about a father and son, I can't share most of them here.

Although, there is a phrase which, as of late, I've been using more than most others: good initiative, bad judgment. It means the obvious: you did good wanting to do what you did, your intentions were sound, however what you did wasn't the best choice. And, you guessed it, I've been using it with the little mister more and more lately.

The latest incident is definitely blog worthy. I had sent Declan upstairs to get dressed while I finished doing whatever it was I was doing downstairs. When I was done, I still heard the rattling of him trying to close his dresser drawers, so I went up to see if I could assist. Walking into his room I saw him standing there with his pants on and socks (good job so far), but he was putting his shirt on over his pajama shirt (huh?).

"Wait, wait, wait!" I said, walking into his room. "You have to take off your pajama shirt."
"No," he said moving away from my assisting reach, "I want to wear it under my clothes."
"What? Why?" I smiled questioningly. I braced myself for the awesome power of cute.
"If I wear my pajamas under my clothes, then I won't need to put them on tonight. I can just take these off and go to bed." He made a 'bloop bloop' noise as he mimed taking off his shirt and pants.

After I explained to him that wearing his pajamas under his clothes all day would render them obsolete as sleeping attire, I helped him change his shirt. However glancing around his room, I took note of the scattered clothing. Looking back at him, I simply pointed to his pants and cocked my head to the side.

He rolled his eyes as he slowly lifted his pant leg: a brightly colored, fish laden, pajama-covered leg came into view.

Good initiative, bad judgment, little man.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A bit of winter reflection

As I sit here drinking my coffee and eating my whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, I'm looking out the kitchen window. I still see naked trees, piles of snow and the ground is covered in a bland, faded green. Visually, it still seems like winter is on its last legs, however I feel it is officially deceased and spring is upon us.

I've felt this way since last Thursday. I remember waking up and looking out the window. Everything was sunny, yet snow covered. But it was refreshing. It felt like spring. And with that feeling,all of the stir craziness, the cabin fever and the frosty stagnation just went away. It felt different. So the last week or so, I've been enjoying the days a lot more.

It's also given me a little bit of motivation for the upcoming months. Throughout the winter months, being home with Declan, I feel as thought we didn't do a lot. I won't sit here and say that it was a negative experience or that I have regrets, but I do feel that we could have done more through the winter (just take a look at the sparseness of the posts).

So what is coming? A trip to the science museum and the local natural history museum, a puppet theater, endless trips to the park, road trips and tons of spring and summer fun. I may even repost some of my ols favorites from the old family blog too.

I feel like we have to make these next two seasons count. After all this is his last summer before school starts. ;)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Banana on a stick...

So it was snacktime this morning and we decided to get a little creative.

First we took a banana and cut it
in half,

then you dip it in yogurt,

roll it in sprinkles...

and enjoy!

I haven't tried it, but I'm told it tastes like a banana split...I think I'll take his word for it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

When the world was warm...

As I've stated I have a few old posts which I've never published. If memory serves me, there from a time when the world we know was a little warmer...hence the photos of us rolling around in the yard. Soon enough it'll be warm again, and I can go back to acting like an idiot outdoors. But for now enjoy:

A little while ago, Declan and I became hooked on the Dollar Tree. Usually the toys aren't fantastic, but they can be fun if you look closely. And if you do happen to find something, as we did this time, the pay off is awesome.

We were searching up and down the aisles and we happened to see the glint of gold shining off of a dragon crested shield. After looking, we saw that there was also a helmet and a breastplate. But what good is a knighted hero without a villain? That's why we also found a dragon mask for Dad.

And yes, I do know that his sword is a paint stirrer, but alas, make due with what you have*.

So now, the ground shakes and the lands tremble. as these two do battle. What more could you ask for $3.00?

*since this post was written Declan has come across a shiny golden, plastic sword. One worthy of a true knight.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Big O-5

Well, Declan is officially 5. And even though, due to the white flakes of doom, we had to postpone his playdate/birthday party, Declan is one happy camper. I must say this entire weekend, snow and all was one big birthday bash.

We woke him up on Friday morning and, after a few gifts, breakfast in bed and of course getting dressed, we did one thing that is not normal for the beginning of February...we went swimming (indoors, of course).

We had a great birthday weekend. Declan ended up getting everything from a Dinosaur Train tshirt to a camera, Legos to a new handmade quilt and Transformers to a new set of bongos. Oh and lest we forget the pop up book of creatures, the new super awesome (dentist approved) toothbrush and the Lincoln Logs. Declan even made his own cake for his own party....hey, if he wants to do it, we're not gonna stop him.

Thanks to everyone who helped celebrate this past weekend. You know who you are :)

And again, Happy Birthday, little bud. Way to be 5.

We love you,
Mommy and Daddy

Friday, February 5, 2010



...more birthday posting to come...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

from the mouth of babes...

So I had a little chat with Declan this morning about how his daddy is a total slacker an my lack of blog updates, or 'blupdates' as I call them. I told him that because we haven't posted for a while we should think of something to tell everyone who reads our blog. This is what he said:

"Hello everyone. I love you. sometimes you are a little frustrating, but I love you. And the cool thing about it is that um, I get to tell you what we're doing at school at my house for school. We actually do lots of fun fun stuff like um learn about clocks, practice my numbers and letters and we do arts and craft time. We have lots of fun and we watch some TV, but somedays it's really fun. I love you all."

So to recap the last two months for those out of the loop: a little before Christmas we got rear ended pretty good in the xB (pics below). The car is still in the shop and we'll hopefully be having a welcome home party for the Thundertank next week.

As for Christmas it was awesome. My parents got me an early gift which was a butt-kicking waffle maker (results below). Declan got tons of cool stuff including a Mario Kart race track and a barrage of movies from his uncle.

Regarding karate, Declan just tested last week and earned his high orange belt. Snap-kickingly awesome, lil man (yet again, pics below).

So that's about it in a nut shell. I'll have other things to post soon and a few old ones which I never published, so keep checking back...

The Management.

And by the way, I need to go start negotiations because my laundry basket full of clothes is now home to the sword in the stone. I don't know if I'm worthy enough to pull it out.