Friday, February 11, 2011


For all of you needy ones out there...

1. Declan started school. He loves his class and has a very nice teacher. He's truly excited about it.
2. Halloween!! Declan went as Luigi this year! We were going to do a store bought costume, but decided to make it ourselves. We think it turned out awesome and so does he!! the magic mushroom helps.
3. Thanksgiving time! Thanksgiving was a relative success this year. We didn't have to do a bird at all and as often as I see it, I will never understand why little kids eat so little on Turkey Day. i guess the voracious appetite kicks in in the teenage years!
4. Christmas! Christmas! Christmas! Little man made out like a bandit this year. He now has all of the Dinosaur Train toys (which are AWESOME if I may say). Nana was sick, so we actually had a 2nd Christmas (well, third if you count the Christmas Eve/Day with Maribeth's parents). We actually had to prep the holiday season with a much needed toy purge to make room for the anticipated loot.
5. Happy Birthday Mommy!! Congrats on the first day off (on your bday) since we've been together!)
6. Happy New Year! we were planning on staying in, but ended up over at a nice little house party. Thanks, Carol, Jason, Jennie and Greg!
7. I have no idea what goes on in Janurary, but i know we were all anxious about the crap snow coming soon...well, all except for little man.
8. HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY, DECLAN!!! We celebrated the date with a trip to the Whitaker Center and a fine meal out at Red robin. We actually threw around some good ideas (hockey game, Crayloa 'factory' tour, Baltimore Aquarium. etc), but we feel we made an awesome choice. And so did Declan!

I think that brings everyone up to speed. I'm sure I missed some tantrums, elations, celebrations, and some other -tions too, but alas. Also, i was going to upload pictures, but i was a little rushed due to the popular demand of the readers :D


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