Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Inaugural Post

Two days. I've been told by some that my days of freedom are limited to just two days. Including today, that's how many 'working' days I have left until I'm a full time Dad.

Being a full time Dad is something I'm looking forward to, but let's not talk about the details just yet. Let's start with a heartfelt thank you. First and foremost, I need like to thank my wife. She is the most loving, kind and selfless person in the world. Because of her I am able to do this. Her patience and understanding is unparalleled.

The opportunities which led my wife and I to this point haven't been completely welcomed with open arms, but the outcome, I must say, is exciting. I, along with roughly 160,000 other men in the U.S., am truly a man of the house. I cook, I clean, I run errands and now, to add to my list, I watch our son from roughly 7 am to 6 pm.

Although he was in a very fine daycare program, my wife and I always wrestled with the fact that our son only spends four waking hours with us daily. The opportunities mentioned above coupled with the constant parental struggle of having an institution raise your kids until school age helped us make the decision to keep him at home.

No matter how you look at it though, this opportunity wouldn't be possible without the support of my wife. Because of this, I dedicate this blog, and the endless days of growth and nurturing to you, dear.

Thank you, honey. Truly.



Anonymous said...
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Archer said...

You spend all weekend with him too ya know.

Pamela R. said...

Welcome to the SAH club...Mommy or Daddy it doesn't matter. Our days are filled with fun and laughter, tears and poop, and sometimes barf. But no matter the day everything is always new, we get to live life with our kiddos and act like crazy silly fools and that my friend never gets old. And most of us, including yours truly, love every second... but I for one could definitely do without the barf! Congratulations on your promotion and good luck, your in good company! Now join a SAH play group already!

zach said...

Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad to be in the SAH club. I am very much looking forward to this! Thanks!

Heather Houck Trovinger said...

Very cool Zach! Being able to stay at home is a great! I to am very thankful for a hardworking spouse. I wouldn't trade a day of it. Welcome to the stay at home club. Enjoy! I see lots of fun days in your future.

wife said...

I love that you are able to stay home with him. You are such a great dad, I know you guys will have fun together! I can't wait to hear what kind of trouble the two of you manage to get into :)

Lisa Drapcho said...

Way to go Zach! Enjoy the time making lots of memories. I will look forward to your posts.

Kim Freeburn said...

Awesome! I can't wait to read your blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for all three of you and can't wait to read the chronicles (and see pics, of course)! Love from papa's big sis, aka auntie...