Monday, August 10, 2009

The morning so far...

So it's still morning one and I can tell I'm gonna need to get a tightrope and a long stick because it's gonna be a balancing act. I need to find the time to work on the necessary things around the house (i.e. clean, laundry, make the appropriate lists, etc.) and I have a little voice saying "Daddy come look at this" while he's having his play time.

But more on the balancing act later. We said goodbye to a (blurry) Mommy as she left and as an added bonus, we found a roley-poley. Aside from that, on our first day (which is mostly a pajama day), we watched the morning Curious George with breakfast and also Sid the Science Kid. Then the TV went off and it was learning time.

We went over the upper and lower case letters and he did great. The typical confusion ensues regarding the lower case mix ups, g/q, b/d, r/ worries though, he's doing awesome. We also learned the words, 'the', 'be' and 'it'. Letter sounds were A+ too.

This afternoon there's a trip to the library and maybe a quick stop for groceries, but that'll all be after nap, so wish me luck and I'll check in soon.


mommy said...

I love the picture of the roley-poley with the little hands and feet in the background :) He can hardly stand keeping his hands off the little sucker through its photo shoot.

debbie doucette said...

will you adopt me?

Dadministrator said...

debbie...that won't raise any eyebrows or anything! ha!!