Monday, August 10, 2009

Storytime Review: Can You See What I See?

Our trip to the library this afternoon was fanTAStic! We tracked down some educational DVDs and a few other books, but the find upon finds was one of Walter Wick's Can You See What I See? books.

We do have the On a Scary Night edition and I must say, it is still in the top 10 chosen bedtime books since last Halloween.

These hidden pictures are a little more advanced than the typical early age look and find books, and the twelve detailed pictures are of actual hand crafted settings as opposed to hand drawn (or computer generated) pictures of the genre.

There are a total of eight Can You See What I See? setting based books, then there are a slew more of the Seymour and I Spy books out there. Each of the books in this series has a different theme (fairy tales, dreams, spooky stuff, etc.) and the text in the book, which tells you what to look for is very well done with a rhyming scheme and a loose story to follow.

All in all, these books are great for story time, day or night. They can take a little longer than your typical bedtime story, so I recommend setting a three page limit depending on time.

Two little thumbs up.

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